Saturday, January 28, 2012

Legend of Zelda: The Seeds of Darkness

Time limit for exercise - 20 minutes.

Answer these questions & post on your blog:

1.) How would you describe the level of engagement compared to more action oriented games from the same period?

The Legend of Zelda is a more action-adventure set based game and not so much as mindless action with no plot just to survive. The Legend of Zelda gives a story and you play as a hero who must take down and defeat the 3 seeds of darkness. As the player, your very engaged with the game because there is a storyline and you have a goal other then to survive, but to set free the darkness of Hyrule. Other action games of this period have close to no story line and are all based upon survival and how long you can last and get the highest score. The player can not empathize with survival as much as they can empathize for Link and his quest to free Hryule of the evil seeds of darkness.

2.) What role does setting and characterisation play in the game?

            It helps the player become more attatched in a way to the character. Because the main character has a history and is a hero, it gives the player something to empathize with. In the Legend of Zelda, his quest is to destroy the seeds of darkenss and free the evil from Hyrule. This is a strong goal and background storyline for that period in age so it really gets the player involved with the game and again sets them to empathize for Link and Hyrule.

3) How do spells, pickups and power-ups assist the game play?

            Picks up helped a great deal in this game. There were a lot of parts that if you were low on health you could just venture out and look for hearts to replenish your health so you wouldn’t have to die. If it wasn’t for the health pick-ups and regenerating your health, the game would be close to if not nearly impossible to finish. It assisted the game greatly because it made the game the right amount of difficulty. It wasn’t too easy and wasn’t too hard and it was because of the health pick-ups. The heart pick-ups were randomly scattered in bushes, however, there were also enemies hidding under the bushes so this balanced out your chances of getting a heart pickup and regenerating your health. If it wasn’t for the hidden enemies, the player could simply go to any bush and replenish his health whenever they go hit by the enemy. Because of the hidden enemies randomly placed under some bushes, this takes away that ability to constanlty replenish your health. It does a great deal to help balance out the game play with the hidden enemies and the health pick ups.

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