Friday, March 16, 2012

Epsilon Delta 6: Game Idea (work in progress)

Epsilon Delta 6

Zombie FPS

Scene: Street Corner.
Scene: Side View.
 Scene: Arial View.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Hero Builder Exercise

Delta 6 is a character developed for a FPS game. He is the squad leader of his delta unit and carries the ranking of a Major. He's been on multiple missions, some including: danger close extractions, neutralizing all infectious humans in a sector, and various stealth missions around the globe. In the gameplay, If you plan on being silent and stealthy, then you can add silencers to your weapons. If the player is more violent and likes the attention of being in a firefight, then you can add power to your ammo and sacrifice stealth by not using silencers on your weapons.

Oknar is a character developed for an RPG game. He is the Captain of the 402nd Battalion and Commander of the 7th Legion of the West. In his past, he has commanded over a hundred armies and conquered multiple villages and other armies. In the gameplay, you can decide wether he uses his army to supply the townspeople and defend them to strengthen them as a civilization or to leave the townspeople and conquer other civilizations but sacrifice unity in your civilization. So its up to the player, grow a unified strong civilization, or expand and control other civilizations.

Ox is a character developed for a FPS game. He lost his parents to a mistake that the military made when he was in high school. His parents used to always go to his football tournaments and always wanted him to be a bodybuilder later on in life. Since the death of his parents, he now seeks vengeance against everything and everyone, especially the military. He is powerful and sluggish and carries heavy arsenal. For the gameplay, the players will decide wether or not if in the end, based on your decisions throughout the game, he will kill  the individuals behind his parents loss or let them go.